10 Top Singapore Bloggers' Plastic Surgery Experience

If you are looking to find Singapore bloggers who have done plastic surgery, you are in the right place.

Singapore Doctors are strictly regulated by MOH’s PHMC (PRIVATE HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL CLINICS ACT) advertising guidelines. Clinics are NOT allowed to assure you of results, bring up past cases as references or use before/after photos.

However, a Google search is all it takes to get every juicy detail and photos documenting the plastic surgery journeys of Singapore bloggers. That's probably one of the reasons that bloggers' reviews and their personal experiences are in high demand by Singapore readers as doctors are not allowed to provide those information directly.

plastic surgery singapore blogger
Here is the list below, in no particular order.

#1. Gracechua.com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

April 2021 - Double Eyelid Surgery Singapore

When I went under (sedated) during the surgery, Dr Adrian worked his magic. The whole procedure felt like a short nap to me, and it was surprising to learn that the procedure took me 90 minutes!

The more excess fats or skin in the upper eyelid, the more complex the surgery, I later learned.

I woke up to heavy and swollen eyes, naturally. I was allowed to leave after being given a list of tips to take care of my newly-formed eyelids. The list included things like applying the antiseptic, no washing of the face for the first day, no makeup.. etc.

The kind nurse also took the time to explain to me how to care for my new eyelids with the ointment and pain medication.

But it was worth. It. 🙌🏽 Seeing my eyes in the mirror, it’s as though they’ve gotten larger, and the results looked almost natural! I blinked a few times to see if they would disappear. They didn’t!

Before and after surgery

#2. Xiaxue.blogspot.com - Plastic Surgery Review

StraitsTimes.com - After four plastic surgery procedures, Singaporean blogger Wendy Cheng, also known as Xiaxue, says she feels "victorious" about how much her looks have changed.
"I think it is good that I have improved over the years instead of deteriorating. I feel very happy about how I look," says the 32-year-old.
"Why would you ask somebody why she would do plastic surgery? It is like asking someone why she would want to go for higher education. To better herself. What other reason is there? If you can look better, why wouldn't you want to look better?"
Image via StraitsTimes.com

#3. DoubleEyelidGirl.Blogspot.Com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

25 yr old female blogger sharing her personal experience including the double eyelid surgery cost. Her review was on her double eyelid surgery done by Dr Andrew Tay.

Personally, I am VERY insecure about my looks. So having a nice doctor is pretty important to me. I didn't want to deal with a doctor further criticising my looks. Plus, having a nice doc also puts you at ease :)

She also shared her results after 152 days post-surgery.

Double eyelid surgery Singapore
Image credit: doubleeyelidgirl.blogspot.com
Related: Double Eyelid Surgery: Top Singapore Bloggers Before and After Photos

#4. RachellTan.Com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

Female blogger in Singapore sharing her personal story with double eyelid surgery using stitching method by Dr Andrew Tay.

I think I look more or less the same as I did before, except with double eyelids.The effect of the surgery is actually just like putting on double eyelid tapes as I used to do!Except now I won't have to put the tapes so it saves me timeeee!!! :) Love it!

#5. SkinnyShortCake.Blogspot.Com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

Another female blogger's review sharing her personal experience with non-incisional method of double eyelid surgery by Dr Shenthilkumar Naidu from Cambridge Medical Group.

Hello there! This post is dedicated to all desperate (or non desperate) curious souls out there who are seeking more information about Non-Incisional (DST) method of Double Eyelid Surgery, I would LOVE to help you and will try to be as detailed as possible. (:
Double eyelid surgery Singapore review
Image Credit: skinnyshortcake.blogspot.com

#6. Luvverlyn.blogspot.com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

My New Eyes - Scarless Double Eyelid Creation
DST is different from the traditional suture method as it reduces breakage rate by linking skin to interlocked sutures. Additionally, the folds and creases created are scarless. There is no incision involved. The sutures are well hidden inside the eyelid to create the desired crease. Natural-looking double eyelids!

Thanks to Daphne's recommendation, I did my double eyelid surgery at Centre For Cosmetic Rejuvenation & Surgery. I knew I was in good hands of Dr Shenthilkumar (also known as Dr Shens), who has done more than 2000 eyelid surgeries so far. Plus, he is Korean-trained and Ministry of Health accredited.

#7. Myfatpocket.com - Liposuction Singapore Review

June 2014 - My Liposuction journey. Experience and afterthoughts..

So I’m blogging about my Liposuction journey and it’s going to be a lengthy post.
It h
ad been more than a year since I went for liposuction and I am still recovering now.
Why did I go for it?
My upper body tend to slim down faster than my lower body, and even if I put on weight, my lower body tend to put on faster and more than the upper body. I listened to my friend’s advice to start brisk walking, even though it helps, there are still stubborn fats on my legs that just won’t go away. FYI, brisk walking really helps alot, I think one of the reasons my legs just couldn’t slim down as fast as my upper body is because most of the weight I lost is from dieting and hulahooping so my legs just couldn’t catch up with the upper?..

Read more: http://blog.myfatpocket.com/claireaudreylim/tag/liposuction-singapore/

Read more reviews on liposuction: Liposuction Singapore

#8. Mizub.wordpress.com - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

Female blogger who had a double eyelid surgery done 11 years ago (post was published in 2014) by Dr Martin Huang.

I had a double eyelid surgery 8 years ago with Dr Martin Huang. He used the stitching method which is scarless and creates a natural appearance. The results are typically shorter lasting.

#9. Bongqiuqiu.blogspot.com - Nosejob Review Singapore

Image via bongqiuqiu.blogspot.com

After removal of stitches

(Day 7 after surgery)

*Please note that my nose is still very swollen and will continue to deswell until about at least 3 months after surgery, AND will only settle into its final form in 6 months.

Read more: http://bongqiuqiu.blogspot.com/2013/05/great-fantastic-results-nose-job-fat.html

Read more reviews on rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty Singapore

#10. Wordweed.blogspot.com (Brenda Tan) - Double Eyelid Surgery Review

Double Eyelid Surgery • Watch Me Recover! Day 1 to 9.

Plasticsurgeonsingapore.blogspot.com shared this in good faith for readers to judge for themselves the accuracy and fairness of the reviews done by bloggers.


1. How Do I Prepare for a Surgical Consultation?

During your first consultation, you’ll be required to fill up the necessary forms prior to the actual consultation with your surgeon.

It would be good to come in with a general idea of what kind of procedure you would like to have and your expectations. You could also prepare for your consultation beforehand by coming up with a list of questions such as:
  • The surgical options you have
  • The risks and possible complications
  • What you can expect from the procedure
  • The type of anaesthesia used
  • Recovery time for the surgery
  • Any before or after photos of other surgeries your doctor has performed
  • Your plastic surgeon will work with you in managing your concerns and expectations. 
Some of these would be on:
  • What results you can expect from the procedure
  • How the surgery will be performed
  • Whether you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure
  • What kind of anaesthesia would be used
  • How you can prepare for the procedure
  • What you can expect during recovery
  • Operating room costs and surgeon’s fees
  • Whether the procedure is MediSave claimable
  • Other alternative procedures
  • Follow up appointments
While you can choose to confirm your surgery on the same day as your consultation, you should not feel obligated to make a decision immediately! Understandably, it may all be overwhelming and you should take it at a pace you’re comfortable with.

On some occasions, one consultation may not be enough for you to give the green light and new questions may arise. If so, that is perfectly normal. You can always call for a second consultation, and make sure to take note of the questions that need to be addressed before you can comfortably make a decision.

2. Is Singapore a Safe Country to Undergo Plastic Surgery?

Because of the strict regulations set in place by the Ministry of Health, you may rest comfortable knowing that plastic surgery in Singapore is safe. Before they can operate, plastic surgeons must complete years of rigorous training and testing. All licensed medical professionals will also be registered with the Singapore Medical Council, which will guarantee that surgical protocol is followed. 

To ensure that they have the necessary expertise to provide the finest results, many plastic surgeons even enroll in additional specialised training programmes locally and overseas.

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